Future Vision Data Recovery
Internal Hard Disk | External Hard Disk | Flash Drives & Pen Drives | Memory & CF Cards | 

 Corrupted Files| Head Replacement| Raid Recovery | Many More

Death Of A Hard Drive

Does Your Drive Sound Like This?


If your hard drive sounds like any of the above, it more than likely has suffered a physical failure. It is recommended you, power your system down immediately! Just pull the plug if you have to, and do not reapply power to the drive. Call us at +91-98725-30064 for more information about our services.




 No Evaluation Fees / No Attempt Fees Free evaluation and free internal/external hard drive with every successful recovery. You pay nothing unless your data is recoverable. Call now for a free quote: +91-9872530064.

Desktop Hard Drive Data Recovery

Most of the digital information in the whole world is stored on the desktop hard drives.  "Cheap and Deep" is the mantra that calms the nerves of those trying to accommodate an era of surging data and dwindling budgets.

Professional Hard Drive Data Recovery Services

Modern desktop hard drive stores data to the tune of 240,000 tracks per inch. As a point of measure, your typical 20 copy paper measures out at .0038". That works out to be about 900 tracks sitting on a space the size of the edge of a piece of paper. A hard drive head reads these tracks one at a time, so in order to read or write your precious data it has to accurately hit a target 1/900th the thickness of a piece of paper every time it goes to work. To make matters worse, your typical hard drive is enclosed in a computer case and strapped in next to other drives, DVD or other devices, which can vibrate these heads. With a desktop hard drive, it doesn't take much movement to make a head miss a target 1/900th the thickness of a piece of paper. When a mechanical shock happens, hard drives may experience damage caused by the read/write heads dropping down onto the moving platters. Normally these heads float on a thin layer of air over the spinning platters, but if a shock happens and the two do come in direct contact, the heads can literally become "glued" to the plates. When this does happen, the heads can only be "unglued" from the plates by a trained engineer using special equipment. Also, regular desktop hard drive platters are not a subject of full media certification. The times when you could run low level format on your drive are gone.

We Recover Hard Drive Data on Any Failure, Operating Platforms and Hard Drive Vendors:

Common Failure

  • Corrupted Files Repair
  • Formatted Drives
  • Partitions
  • Power Failure
  • Damaged Media
  • Head Crash
  • Motor Failure
  • Clicking/Buzzing Sound
  • PCB & Firmware Issues

Operating Systems

  • Window 7,8
  • Window Vista
  • Window XP
  • Windows 2003/200
  • Windows NT
  • Window 95/98
  • Apple Mac OS
  • Linux (All Distributions)
  • UNIX (All Flavors)

Hard Drive Makes

  • Seagate
  • Western Digital
  • Hitachi
  • Toshiba
  • Samsung
  • Fujitsu
  • Maxtor
  • IBM
  • and more..


For More Detail Call Us:- (+91) 97799-59000,96469-30064,98725-30064

Future Vision Data Recovery, 64, Third Floor, Nehru Shopping Complex ,Opp Novelty Sweets, Lawrence Road, Amritsar

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