Franchise Opportunity


The IT industry is growing very large. In India alone, 3.5 million people are employed in this sector. The industry is global & has grown from strength to strength more over the past 55 years.     
Improvements in our lifestyles as well as improvements in productivity happen on a day-to-day basis, thanks to some new IT application or the other. And there are technologies being continuously created, leading to a need for continuous learning. Thus, investing in an IT training business is a sound proposition. And who better to partner with than Future Vision Institute, the pioneer in the field ? Fvi is the pioneer in franchising in education. Our growth is the result of our partnership with hundreds of dynamic business partners in every part of the country. Future Vision Institutes was started in the year 1998 with a mission to promote Computer Literacy to all the Citizens of India, by providing "Reasonable, Affordable, Advanced and Understandable Quality Computer Education" and help them to become, a better-equipped good citizen and empower them to face this competitive era of modernization, automation and computerization.

The main features of our franchisee support are:
1.       Active support & guidance for center start-up includes
2.       Course design & delivery support
3.       Marketing support
4.       Academic & technical support
5.       Central logistics support
6.       Business development support
7.       All Courses are approved for Govt. Jobs






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